Reasons and Tips to Get Outside More

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Why Get Outside More?

Why get outside more? The benefits of nature are numerous and well-documented. Spending time outdoors can help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and even boost your creativity.

There are so many ways to enjoy nature in Ohio! You can explore local parks and trails on foot or by bike; try some fun activities like hiking up a mountain or kayaking down a river; or just sit back and enjoy the beautiful views from your backyard deck.

Tips for Enjoying Nature in Ohio

  • Visit a National Park.
  • Start a garden.
  • Go to a you pick it farm.
  • Take a hike.
  • Eat your meal outside.
  • Go on a photography tour.
  • Try Geocatching.
  • Get out to a lake and go fishing.
  • Grab a buddy and go hunting.
  • Hop on that bike collecting dust in the garage.
  • Enjoy the colors of autumn sitting by the river.
  • Learn to ski or snowboard.
  • Get the family pet involved, they could be your best hiking partner.

How to Prepare for a Day Outdoors

The first thing you need to do is… yep yu guessed it, pack the right gear. This can be tricky, because there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to outdoor activities. If you’re going hiking or camping in the wilderness, for example, you’ll want different things than if you’re going on a picnic with friends or taking your dog for a walk around town.
You should also check the weather before heading out, and maybe even after! Weather forecasts aren’t always accurate and things can change quickly; when it comes down to Mother Nature. I mean it is Ohio, give it 10 minutes the weather will change. If there’s rain predicted later, but now seems like a good time for an adventure (and it doesn’t look like rain), go ahead and take advantage of those conditions while they last! They may not last long.
Finally: make sure everyone knows where they’re supposed to meet up again once the activies have finished.

Photo by James Wheeler:

Things to Do Outdoors in Ohio

If you’re looking for things to do outdoors in Ohio, there are plenty of options. Here’s a short list of the ways to enjoy nature:

  • Go fishing. If you have a boat or can borrow one, head out on Lake Erie and catch some fish! Heck you don’t even need a boat. There are pleanty of spots to sit along the shore or a fishing pier. It doesn’t matter if the fish are big or small; just enjoy being out on o by the water with friends and family while you wait for something to bite onto your hook.
  • Take that bike that’s been collecting dust in the garage out for a ride through Cuyahoga Valley National Park or along one of Ohio’s many trails (like the Towpath Trail). You’ll get exercise while enjoying all that nature has to offer–and maybe even see some wildlife along the way!
  • Pack up some sandwiches and snacks for an afternoon picnic at Mill Creek Metro Park near Youngstown. This park has lots of space where everyone can spread out a blanket without feeling crowded no matter how many people are there.

Benefits of Spending Time Outdoors

There are more benefits to getting outside than I can count. It is well documented that even just 10 minutes a day can boost your mood. Yes, that’s right, people who spent time in the forests have lower blood pressure, lower cortisol levels and a lower pulse than people who spend life indoors. It’s no guess that being outside is just what we, are meant to do. Heck, just being exposed to sunlight, can help lower your risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Sunlight is a natural form of vitamin D, and you guessed it 10 minutes a day is the minimum reccomendation for a rise in vitamin D levels.

Other reasons to step outside:

  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve Mental Health
  • Get Regular Exercise
  • Improve Confidence
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Lower Heart Rate
Photo by Kat Smith:

Tips for Exploring Nature Safely

  • Check for wildlife. It may come as a surprised by what you find in the woods, but that doesn’t mean you should go looking for it. If you see a bear or other large animal, keep your distance and give it space to move on, on its own terms.
  • Stay on trails and obey posted signs when in state parks; especially if there are warning signs about trail conditions being hazardous due to recent rain or ice patches on the ground (which could make it easy to slip). Sticking to a trail also reduces any possible risk of getting lost or hurt.
  • Follow safety protocols: always carry water with you when hiking; don’t drink untreated water from streams or rivers; don’t eat wild berries unless they’ve been identified or tested by someone who knows what they’re doing; never leave food unattended while camping because animals will come looking for scraps! Trust me on this one, you do not want to wake up to a bear in the middle of the night eating your food supply. Heck even sometimes that large racoon can sound like a bear, and still do just as much damage at a campsite.
Photo by Erik Mclean:

Tips for Enjoying Nature Responsibly

  • Leave No Trace: This is THE most important thing you can do to ensure that you and others have a good time. It’s also a great way to protect the environment, so that future generations can enjoy it as well. NO one wants to walk through a forrest of trash, so please pick up after yourself.
  • Respect Wildlife: You should never feed or approach wild animals, even if they appear friendly or hungry. Feeding them can make them dependent on humans for food, which can lead to dangerous situations when those people aren’t around anymore (for example, if someone leaves food out for squirrels in their yard). Also keep in mind that some animals may carry diseases that could be harmful if transmitted through bites or scratches from those creatures! It’s the one time that sharing is not caring.
  • Don’t Feed The Animals: While we’re talking about respecting wildlife… please don’t feed any animals unless specifically instructed by park rangers/naturalists/etc at your location! Feeding birds could cause them harm since it changes their natural diet; feeding bears could cause them harm because they’ll associate humans with food. 

Need More Reasons to Get Outside

Do you need more reasons to get outside? Do you need more ideas of what to do outside? Want to find the best places in Ohio to enjoy nature? Then this is the blog post for you.

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